hap·py/ˈhapē/Adjective 1. Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. 2. Having a sense of confidence in or satisfaction with (a person, arrangement, or situation). I’ve often wondered on my trips around the sun how happiness looks in the eyes of others.…
Admittedly, we all have those days that are down in the dumps. I’ve had a day of prayer and contemplation, waiting to hear from my extended group of family and friends on the outcome of a bilateral, very urgent mastectomy…
We’ve all been to that moment in life where your mind screams “Say something,” anything, it seems. “Take an action, make a plan, respond in some fashion or form so that you don’t just start screaming at the top of…
It’s 1:10a.m. in Indiana, and I smell like the most wonderful woodsmoke and incense. I am listening to the All American Rejects. The All-American Rejects – It Ends Tonight At this time of night, it’s only a matter of moments…
According to Wikipedia, the age old question “is the glass half empty or half full” is: “a common expression, used rhetorically to indicate that a particular situation could be a cause for optimism (half full) or pessimism (half empty); or…
Two pieces of media for you today. The first is Jon M., a fellow AU alumni, who wrote and sings the song “Beautiful Disaster.” This is the theme song for me these days, full of unwanted turmoil and welcome change. …