I was thinking today about the word “Love” and the word “Forever.”
I will always love that which I do love, even as we migrate into different lives in different times.
I will take this breaths of day with me from one step into another, until a thousand steps are behind me and I no longer remember what path it was that led me to “now” – just that it’s been here, is here and was here all at the same time.
In that most quantum of ways, the elements of life are tiny little moments stretched into forever and back again.
Life. We live it grandly one moment, one breath into the next.
Life. We stand idly by unaffected by it’s diamond facets falling into our memory, gliding by without acknowledgement.
Life. We grasp a hold of it and refuse to move on from the present space in our sometimes grief.
I wonder at times about how we all affect one another, how taking this street or that changes the story of the world.
In all my wondering, I came across the beauty of words, another of we human travelers thinking along the same lines as I…that it’s every beautiful, every painful, ever heartbreaking moment of my life, my scars that make me who I am now and always will be.
Forever is Composed of Nows (#690)