Greetings to all!
We’re back in action and happy to finish out this holiday week (in the US) with you all. I’ve been blessed by all of you who let me know that your THM access was down, and your queries of healthy and wellness. Yes, I am great – it was the THM server that was feeling a little under the weather for the past two days.
The server was offline from Monday afternoon through Tuesday afternoon based on a blaugh-blaugh-blaugh,” it’s down” computer-geek-speak reason that I didn’t quite understand. Service was restored with no hiccups that I am aware of.
We’ll move all publish ready articles back a bit so we’re not sending constant emails/RSS notices out to everyone. But today…you’ll get two anyhow. 🙂
Thanks for your support of THM and our advertisers, and please don’t hesitate to send in your questions and thoughts. I’d like to hear from you.
With love, peace and grace,